Florida Propane Gas Association Member Benefits
The Florida Propane Gas Association provides extensive membership services. The following is a small sample of the variety of services available:
- Florida Propane Gas Association Website floridapropanemember.com features:
- Registering multiple attendees for events
- Smooth and easy to understand online registration forms
- Online Member Directory
- Event calendar
- Inclusion in and one copy of the FPGA Annual Membership Directory listing all FPGA committees, dealers, dispensers, contractors, and supplier companies doing business in Florida
- Weekly email blasts of the eNews, our associations electronic newsletter
- Discount on Propane Supplies:
- Meter tickets, decals, signs, educational and safety products
- NFPA books and Gas Codes
- Invoices and envelopes
- Discounted registration for meetings and conventions for the dissemination of industry information
- Discount on year-round Continuing Education – Online training classes at https://florida-propane-gas-association.myshopify.com/collections/continuing-education-courses
- Active state lobbying efforts by Legislative Committee and Lobbyist
- State and national marketing programs
- Propane gas industry information
- Federal legislation efforts, research and development, safety and educational training, and national promotion
- Technical assistance and information
And Much More…